Nissar Hussain is a British citizen of Pakistani descent who converted from Islam to Christianity.
He was brutally beaten up outside his home in Bradford on 17th November 2015. He was attacked by two men with a pickaxe handle and was left with multiple injuries needing metal pins inserted into his fractured bones.
The latest attack follows years of persecution, harassment, intimidation, insults and abuse to him and his family because of his chosen religion.
What was his crime? He converted from Islam to Christianity.
Why would followers of the religion of Peace and Love attack him? Under Sharia Law the crime of ‘apostasy’ (abandoning Islam) is regarded as treason and is punishable by death.
The attack on Mr Hussain would be disgusting enough if it were taking place in some backward, third-world, hell-hole – but it took place here in England in the 21st Century.
What have we come to? And this is not an isolated incident. People who reject Islam do so at the risk of life and limb.
What makes it worse is that the authorities have refused to accept that it is Mr Hussain’s status as a convert that has lead to his persecution – presumably because they don’t want to be called ‘Islamophobes’ – like the authorities in the recent pedophile ring cases.
The same Sharia Law was given official recognition by the Government for use in some Muslim Arbitration Tribunals in 2007. Cutting peoples hands and heads off may not yet be legal but Sharia has its foot in the door.
I obtained this story from the Barnabas Trust website and you can read the full horror of Mr Hussain’s story by going to this link: